Generate brick mosaics from an image or matrix with customization options.

  img_size = 48,
  color_table = NULL,
  method = "cie94",
  color_palette = c("universal", "generic", "special"),
  trans_bg = "White",
  dithering = FALSE,
  contrast = 1,
  use_bricks = NULL,
  brightness = 1,
  warhol = 1:3



Image matrix to convert into mosaic. Usually from readJPEG or readPNG.


Size of output image in pixel, where one pixel = one 'brick'. Use a single value (e.g. 48) for a square image with 48 pixels on each side. Use an array of two values for a rectangular image c(width, height).


Defaults to lego_colors. Data frame of brick colors to map onto image. Must contain Name and R, G, B channels. See attached data lego_colors as examples.


The method to use for comparison. Options are 'euclidean', 'cie1976', 'cie94', 'cie2000', or 'cmc'. See compare_colour.


Brick color rarity to use. Defaults to all colors: 'universal' (most common), 'generic', and 'special' (least common). This is useful when trying to build the mosaic out of real bricks. Use "bw" for only grayscale bricks. Ignored if a color_table is supplied.


If img is a png has a transparent background, name of color to replace the background.


Improves color of large, photo-realistic mosaics.


For theme = "bw". A value >1 will increase the contrast of the image while a positive value <1 will decrease the contrast.


Array of brick sizes to use in mosaic. Defaults to c('4x2', '2x2', '3x1', '2x1', '1x1')`.


A value >1 will increase the brightness of the image while a positive value <1 will decrease the brightness.


Array of values c(1, 2, 3) associated with R, G, B color channels. Swap values in array to swap color channels for a fun visual effect.


A list with element Img_lego containing a data frame of the x- & y-coordinates, R, G, B channels, and mapped color of each brick (pixel).

See also

Other Mosaics: build_mosaic()


# Import a jpeg or png demo_file <- system.file("extdata", "demo_img.jpg", package = "brickr", mustWork = TRUE) demo_image <- jpeg::readJPEG(demo_file) #Create a 24x24 mosaic # \donttest{ demo_image %>% image_to_mosaic(img_size = 24) %>% build_mosaic()
# } #Only use the two more common tiers of colors # \donttest{ demo_image %>% image_to_mosaic(img_size = 24, color_palette = c("universal", "generic")) %>% build_mosaic()
# } #Be more prescriptive with colors using 'color_table'. # Here, we prevent all blues from being used lego_colors_no_blue = lego_colors %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl("[Bb]lue|[Aa]zur", Color)) # \donttest{ demo_image %>% image_to_mosaic(img_size = 24, color_table = lego_colors_no_blue) %>% build_mosaic()
# } #Color matching is done with the 'farver' package. There are different method. # Change the method to euclidean (RGB distance matching) # \donttest{ demo_image %>% image_to_mosaic(img_size = 24, method = "euclidean") %>% build_mosaic()
# } #Change the default size of bricks to use. # In this extreme example, use 4x6s for the background, 1x1 everywhere else # \donttest{ demo_image %>% image_to_mosaic(img_size = 24, use_bricks = c("4x6")) %>% build_mosaic()
# }